Předmět: Brazilian Caves in danger - Call for help
Od: "Nivaldo Colzato" <nivaldo@karinaetiquetas.com.br>
Datum: 29. 1. 2022 22:39
Komu: "'CSS - Czech Speleological Society'" <sekretariat@speleo.cz>, "'Marek Audi'" <audy@speleo.cz>

Dear friends from the Czech Republic,


As you may know, the Brazilian Government has just published a decree which will facilitate the destruction of our caves.

Thus, we are here to ask you to join us in our struggle to get the revocation of this terrible decree.

Read the attached letter, please, to better understand the situation, and to know how to help us.

The suggested text for your letter of support and the list of government officials to be sent are reproduced below to make your work easier.

That way, you can just copy and paste the list into the "To" field in your message.

If you prefer, you can make your own text, of course.

Please, include a copy to: presidente@cavernas.org.br, ja.labegalini@uol.com.br, nivaldo@karinaetiquetas.com.br.


Thanks in advance for your kind and important cooperation.


Nivaldo COLZATO (Brazil)

Adjunct Secretary / UIS Bulletin Editor

UIS-Union Internationale de Spéléologie





Dear Brazilian government officials,

After becoming aware of the publication of the Presidential Decree N. o 10,935, dated January 12, 2022, we hereby want to join the Brazilian Speleological Society (SBE) and the whole speleological and environmental community to demonstrate our deep concern for the future of the Brazilian caves. Such decree represents a setback in the Brazilian protectionist legislation, which once was a model shining to the world.

As long as this decree is valid, all Brazilian speleological Heritage, as well as all biological, archaeological, mineralogical, paleontological, geomorphological, scientific, cultural, and historic heritages in the Brazilian karst (cave) regions will be in danger because this decree is a tool with high potential to destroy them. We recognize that good enterprises are necessary and important for the economic development and generation of jobs in any region or country.

However, when commercial interests prevail over the well-being of the population and such enterprises are located in areas of priceless natural and cultural heritage, good legislation is necessary to avoid their destruction and to stimulate sustainable development. Therefore, with all due respect and consideration for the Brazilian authorities, we hereby declare our repudiation and total disapproval of Decree N. o 10.935, which we do expect to be revoked.

Brazilian Speleological Society must be invited to help in the elaboration of a new law for the protection of caves and karst because they have the most competent Brazilian experts in this field with a very high international reputation. It is demonstrated by the fact that in 2025 Brazil will host the 19th International Congress of Speleology, which is the most important speleological event in the world, where participants from more than fifty countries will land in Brazil to share the state of the art of speleology, as well as to discuss the protection of caves and karst.

We will be there, for sure, and hope to meet a Brazilian law that takes into account sustainable development, focusing on preservation, not on destruction.




List of Brazilian GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS TO send your support letter.

According to your browser acceptance, you can either use the email list below, or the whole list with names, positions, and emails.

Please, include copy to: presidente@cavernas.org.br, ja.labegalini@uol.com.br, nivaldo@karinaetiquetas.com.br.



se@mma.gov.bragendase@mma.gov.br;  agendase.adjunto@mma.gov.br presidencia@ibama.gov.br;  dilic.sede@ibama.gov.br presidencia@icmbio.gov.br marcos.venancio@icmbio.gov.br jocy.cruz@icmbio.gov.br;  chefiagm@mme.gov.br secex@mme.gov.br secexgab@mme.gov.br aesa@mme.gov.br rita.silva@mme.gov.br veronica.sousa@mme.gov.br sgm.gab@mme.gov.br frederico.oliveira@mme.gov.breduardo.praca@infraestrutura.gov.br marcelo.macedo@infraestrutura.gov.brchefiadegabinete@infraestrutura.gov.br fransley.bezerra@infraestrutura.gov.br izabela.rodrigues@infraestrutura.gov.br agendacasacivil@presidencia.gov.br;




FERNANDO WANDSCHEER DE MOURA ALVES / Secretário Executivo do Ministério do Meio Ambiente se@mma.gov.br; agendase@mma.gov.br; DANIEL PICOLO CATELLI / Secretário-Executivo Adjunto do Ministério do Meio Ambiente agendase.adjunto@mma.gov.br; EDUARDO FORTUNATO BIM / Presidente do Ibama presidencia@ibama.gov.br; JÔNATAS SOUZA DA TRINDADE / Diretor de Licenciamento Ambiental (DILIC) do Ibama dilic.sede@ibama.gov.br; MARCOS DE CASTRO SIMANOVIC / Presidente do ICMBio presidencia@icmbio.gov.br; MARCOS AURÉLIO VENÂNCIO / Diretor de Pesquisa, Avaliação e Monit. da Biodiversidade do ICMBio marcos.venancio@icmbio.gov.br; JOCY BRANDÃO CRUZ / Coordenador do Centro de Pesquisa e Conservação de Cavernas–CECAV jocy.cruz@icmbio.gov.br; BENTO ALBUQUERQUE / Ministro das Minas e Energia gabinete@mme.gov.br; JOSÉ ROBERTO BUENO JÚNIOR / Chefe de Gabinete do Ministro das Minas e Energia chefiagm@mme.gov.br; MARISETE FÁTIMA DADALD PEREIRA / Secretária-Executiva do Ministro das Minas e Energia secex@mme.gov.br; BRUNO EUSTÁQUIO FERREIRA CASTRO DE CARVALHO / Secretário-Executivo Adjunto do Ministério das Minas e Energia secexgab@mme.gov.br; MARIA CEICILENE ARAGÃO MARTINS / Chefe da Assessoria Especial de Meio Ambiente do Ministério das Minas e Energia aesa@mme.gov.br; RITA ALVES SILVA / Coordenadora-Geral de Articulação Institucional em Meio Ambiente do Ministério das Minas e Energia rita.silva@mme.gov.br; VERÔNICA E. SILVA SOUSA / Coordenadora-Geral de Avaliação Ambiental e Acompanhamento de Licenciamento do Ministério das Minas e Energia veronica.sousa@mme.gov.br; PEDRO PAULO DIAS MESQUITA / Secretário de Geologia, Mineração e Transformação Mineral do Ministério das Minas e Energia sgm.gab@mme.gov.br; FREDERICO BEDRAN OLIVEIRA / Diretor do Departamento de Geologia e Produção Mineral do Ministério das Minas e Energia frederico.oliveira@mme.gov.br; EDUARDO ROCHA PRAÇA / Assessor Especial do Ministério da Infraestrutura eduardo.praca@infraestrutura.gov.br; MARCELO DE CANOSSA MACEDO / Assessor Especial do Ministéiro da Infraestrutura marcelo.macedo@infraestrutura.gov.br; ALAN DE OLIVEIRA LOPES / Chefe de Gabinete do Ministro das Minas e Energia chefiadegabinete@infraestrutura.gov.br; FRANSLEY SOUSA BEZERRA / Coordenador-Geral do Gabinete do Ministro das Minas e Energia fransley.bezerra@infraestrutura.gov.br; IZABELA OLIVEIRA RODRIGUES / Assessora do Ministro das Minas e Energia izabela.rodrigues@infraestrutura.gov.br; SABA CORDEIRO DE MONTEIRO CHAGAS FILHA DE OLIVEIRA / Chefe de Gabinete da Casa Civil agendacasacivil@presidencia.gov.br;




Brazilian Caves in Danger - Call for help.pdf342 KB